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Tag: blogs

Our Microwave Culture


I was thinking about our microwave culture lately, which is defined as the “mindset of wanting (and nearly getting) everything “RIGHT NOW”. Technology has made gathering or sending information extremely fast and we’ve begun to think that everything in life should be available on demand.”

Where in your life have you seen life speed up? For instance, cameras were once very manual, large, and clumsy. Then they became smaller and pocket sized. We’d develop the film and wait a week before we could see the final results. Several photos would be of nothing really special. Then we had digital cameras, which were great for seeing and storing your photos instantly. But that wasn’t enough, because then we had cell phones. They had to have cameras too. And the crappy quality wasn’t good enough. They had to get better. Do you ever wonder what the next phase will be?

Or what about the short time over the past few years of posting things online. People used to take time to reply to comments, or status updates, and read blogs or articles word for word and patiently. And while sometimes we still do, our attention span is speeding up. Now we’re skimming everything. And if it’s not interesting enough, it hardly gets a glance. We’re simplifying instant gratification even more by using the “Like” button. Quick and instant validation. With the new release of Periscope, we get even MORE instant gratification. Instant likes, live comments, etc. What is next?

What about…dating! Dating used to be a slower process of meeting people in real life. Someone had to be brave enough to make a move or signal. I can’t speak for what the dating scene was like 50 or 100 years ago, but even back before the internet age we would take the time to get to know someone. We would value each and every precious encounter with the person we were interested in, waiting forever for the next one. We’d write handwritten love notes. And yes, of course this still happens, but I’m more comparing the old dating model to the new one. Then there was the whole video dating thing in the 80s and 90s, okay that was alright, it was entertaining if anything, but it was still a slower process.

Then came online dating and it started to speed the whole process up. But even in the early days, we would spend more time writing to each other, getting to know each other. But as time went on and the people pool grew, potential dating partners became more disposable. We didn’t want to waste time writing too much in case it wasn’t a match. Today we have sites like Tinder and it’s literally, swipe yes, swipe no. Quick quick quick. And even once you meet in real life, it’s all very fast paced for us to move onto someone else because there are so many options. No time wasted here. It’s all very shallow.

Anyway, what do you think about the speeding up of our need for information. While yes, it’s convenient to have things right away, (online banking, packaged ready made food, etc) we lose a sense of how things used to be, and the beauty of being creative, and enjoying the process, instead of the result.

And this week…

I think that me and food need to have a serious conversation. Sure, just because I’m exercising doesn’t mean it’s an excuse to have that cookie, or ice cream cone. This week, I am trying to make more of an effort to eat healthy. This is a common pattern with myself.

Exercise has been successful. I’m still sticking to my daily Blogilates. Today was rough, but I pushed through.

Something I want to be more mindful of is how much time I’m spending on YouTube and surfing the internet.

I did overcome a fear of water, as we did a team building event at my work. It was pretty amazing actually.

I tried to always be a good friend. To be kind, and to listen.

I did buy a couple vintage clothing items (hello mom jeans and sheer white button up) and a new pair of black booties. Granted I have to get rid of my old ones because they are about 3 years old and falling apart so that was a guilt free purchase. I get into these modes where I’m really inspired by something. Like right now I really want to incorporate vintage clothes, because a) I love vintage fashion and b) it’s more ethical than buying new and c) gives back to the local shop.

Anyway. I could do better. Writing this blog is a helpful reminder to keep on track to being the person I want to be.


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Face Your Fear And Start A Blog!

So you’ve thought about starting your own online business and blog but you haven’t. Why is that?

One of the reasons could be because of your fear. Your fear will tell you everything it can in order to stop you from accomplishing your dreams. It will tell you that you are not good enough, or that someone else is already doing it better. It will tell you that blogging is too technical and you won’t be able to figure it all out. Your fear will say, hey, you don’t really have any time. Maybe you don’t know where to start because you have to many thoughts bouncing in your head. It might even tell you that you have no idea how to run an online business, and everything is just too confusing. You feel lost or overwhelmed.

In situations like this when your dreams are involved, you should always do the opposite of what your fear is telling you to do.

All of these thoughts have also gone through my mind before I started this blog. I was paralyzed and didn’t know where to start.

But then I came across minimalist blogger Courtney Carver’s Zero to 100 ebook for beginning bloggers. It is a step-by-step guide on how to start a blog with PURPOSE.


I was a bit skeptical at first, but after she gets you to face your fear and start pursuing your dreams, along with a very motivational speech, I was hooked. I had nothing to lose, and only a lot to gain. It was because of this course that I actually created this blog.

So if you’re feeling a bit stuck, I highly recommend you check out this microcourse and give it a shot!

The course will help you: 

  • inspire ideas
  • narrow them down
  • create a blog name and tagline
  • launch your blog (on your own or with help)
  • reach your first 100 subscribers
  • make your first $100

And some reasons to start a blog today:

  • Share your story and quality content to help people
  • Start a business
  • Improve your writing skills
  • Learn something new
  • Be vulnerable
  • Connect with awesome people
  • Earn money
  • Work from anywhere
  • Solve problems
  • Be creative

I also recommend a book called The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. The whole premise of the book is to get us to look at all of the limiting beliefs and fears we have, and how we can really own and control our destiny and live our life’s purpose. Seriously, check it out!

Please share your thoughts in the comments below! I’d love to hear them. If you liked what you read, please subscribe!

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