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Aha! Moments – John from The Hill of Beans

Meet John from John created The Hill of Beans as a forum for discussing what matters in this crazy world and to encourage his readers to simplify their lives, savor the short time they have here on earth, and think about that which is important and lasting. Please check out his blog!

John shares his Aha! Moment:


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I recently read through a terrific book, The Artist’s Way: A spiritual path to higher creativity, by Julia Cameron.  Written in 1992, this inspiring book on the subject of creativity is a provocative and invaluable guide for any aspiring artist as well as “non-artists”.


Cameron guides one through a process to inspire creativity.  The foundational activity is daily “morning pages”.  This constitutes writing three pages first thing every morning.  There are no rules to the morning pages; just write freely and whatever comes to mind.


The bedrock tool of a creative recovery is a daily practice called Morning Pages.  – Julia Cameron


I have been practicing the morning pages, and it has been revolutionary for my writing as well as my mental and emotional state.  It has changed my life perspective.


The experience is terrific! Through the discipline of writing the morning pages, I have come closer to my personal alignment equilibrium.


On one morning, while writing the morning pages, a question came to mind.


What would my fantasy day look like if I had the financial resources to do whatever I wanted to do?


Thus, my morning pages that day became a fantasy piece.  Here are the highlights of what I discovered about myself and my desires:


Wake naturally – no alarm clock (this is normally about 6 am for me)


Thank God for life and breath and salvation.  Stretch and take 3 deep breaths


Breakfast (featuring slow carbs) and freshly ground, French-pressed coffee – delicious!


Bible reading, prayer and journal


Write morning pages


Tidy up (always clean your bowl), dress, check email and calendar


One hour vigorous walk


Stop by coffee shop, update on today’s news, socialize, update blog


Back home to write for an hour or two




Odd jobs around the residence (wherever that may be house, condo, tiny house or RV)


Afternoon: Exploring, volunteering, new writing projects, grocery stop, exercise/stretching


Dinner and correspondence


Write another hour (or dancing, if a group event is scheduled)


Evening quiet time: Reading, reflection, and preparing for the next day


Bed at 10


The point of writing out this little exercise is the realization that I can live a portion of my fantasy today.  I don’t have to wait for some other situation to develop before I begin to embrace my “fantasy”.  I don’t need to wait for enough money, better health, fewer obligations, better relationships, etc, etc, etc.


Today may be my last day here on earth, and how will I use it?


Today is the day to start living one’s dream.  The only person responsible to make it happen is yourself and the choices you make.


The following quote presents a great perspective on how we should live each day.  The obstacles of life are inevitable.  We need to be about the business of living each day to its fullest.  Embrace the dream.


For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin — real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way. Something to be got through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin.   At last in dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.  – Fr. Alfred D’Souza


Living a simple life without the clutter and clamor that consumerism, advertising, and modern media thrust at you provides space in your life.  It gives you room to do that which matters to you.  It allows you to remove the unnecessary obstacles of life.  It allows you to move closer to your fantasy day, because you have reduced the unnecessary and now have more freedom to make positive, deliberate choices.  I choose to live a little of my fantasy each and every day.

I want to share YOUR stories.

If you have experienced any ‘Aha!’ moments where you realized you want to align your life with who you really are, I want to hear about them and share!

All I need from you is:

1) A written 300-700 word personal story
2) A photo of yourself, or something that represents your story (this is optional)
3) A link to your blog/website (if you have one)
4) Email the info to lessoftheexcess at gmail dot com

Take care and see you soon!

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  1. […] The invaluable returns of a shared vision and culture | The Refinery Leadership PartnersAha! Moments – John from The Hill of Beans – less of the excess […]

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